Here are a few of the recent projects I've personally done.
An Internet-of-Things Oxygen-Sensing Baby Wearable that I made and used to watch my baby's blood oxygen levels to prevent SIDS. Commercial products are available, but they cost 10x what I spent to build this, and they've come under scrutiny lately for being inaccurate. Plus, there's nothing like the satisfaction of watching MQTT messages updating me every 2 seconds on my daughters O2 levels and knowing I've built every step along the chain.
WiFi Enabled Chicken Coop I
added some DIY home automation to my chicken coop, now I get updates on
my phone on wind speed and food/water levels, plus I can open and close
the door to the chicken run with a push of a button.
A MacGyver'd 3D Printer based on Stereo-lithography
Homemade Musical Christmas Tree Lights
High Speed Digitally Controlled LED Strobe
Some R/C airplanes I've made over the years here